Summer comes up with the news of sparkling sun. Because when mercury is climbing it seems like your skin set on fire. summer comes with full of wonderful things but when it comes to melting makeup, sun tan, sun burn it not remain that wonderful.
In summer’s heat and humidity takeover our lives, our skin start getting tired as the day begins. But don’t you worry, here we are going to listed down some tips that will surely going to help you out during this hot summer season.

Good cleanser to wash face: To stay cool and fresh during this hot summer season, the first step is to wash your face at least three times a day with good cleansing product. Use cold water as it gives you more relaxing and easy feel. Good cleanser helps in removing your clogged impurities, balances your skin, helps in absorbing extra oil from skin and protect your skin from breakout and acnes. And by doing so your skin remains more fresh and glowing.

Weekly skin care treatment: In summers it is important for you to deep cleans your skin on weekly bases, it doesn’t mean you have to go to the salon, some home remedies will help you out in this process because in summers skin is absorbing more oil, dust and pollution. So by giving your skin weekly deep cleansing process which includes exfoliation, face pack , face massage and moisturizing will help to maintain your skin tone and gives you more refreshing look. And will help to enhance your skin complexion.

Use deodorant: To feel good, to smell good the best way is to use good fragrant deodorant. So that you feel more refreshed, especially if you are working somewhere or a college going student it is compulsory for you to smell good so that you cannot be annoying for anyone. In this hot summer season think about yourself and about your companions too.

Fruits to eat in this humid season: You don’t only need outer protection, but also need inner protection in this hot summer season. So eat those fruits which help you in this season to enhance your inner beauty.
Litchis: Litchi contains some properties which will improve your immunity, boost digestion and also contain some anti-fungal properties too.
Mangoes: Mangoes is considered to be the summers love. Mango fight against cancer, reduce cholesterol and helps in eliminating the pimples as well. So hurry up bring some mangoes and eat them.
Watermelon: It contain many nitrifying properties, it is good antioxidant and also very hydrating fruit to eat in this summer season.

Clothes: When it comes to clothing, choose carefully. In summers try to wear light colors as they absorb less light, wear loose clothes avoid to wear tight clothes as they gives you more sweat. And choose natural fabric like cotton, linen.

Use of water: When it comes to humidity it means dehydration, dehydration is something which can cause some serious health problem in this season. So it’s important to drink plenty of water to maintain water level in your body. As water also helps to maintain our skin more refreshing.