Ramadan is not only the month of purity, holiness and spirituality but it is also the time to change habits and adopt some new ways of living. This change in daily routine often occur stress and anxiety.
The Holy month of Ramadan has been approaching with purity, holiness, spirituality and religious environment. But on the other hand, the work load and personal engagements also increased day by day. The usual habits of a person (men/women) eventually changed during Ramadan. The daily routine, personal and professional engagements, work load, sleeping and awakening time, the whole circle changed as Ramadan approached.
This change in daily routine cause stress and anxiety to many of us. When we fail to maintain balance in our work load and personal habits and routine then we come under stress and anxiety. To manage and overcome the stress and anxiety is also difficult for many people.
In our this article, we come up with the solutions towards this stress management. To overcome stress during Ramadan and put all your energy on your Ibadaats, just follow our simple and full of spiritual stress management tips and enjoy the true spirit of Ramadan.
Tips to manage stress and anxiety during Ramadan:
- Remove the negativity from your life: Stay away from the opposite of Ramadan. Look forward to Ramadan so that you can have a successful one. Remove the negativity from your life.
- Reveal the Holy Quran as much as you can: Do not waste time, time is precious. The Quran was revealed during this month so let’s use the time we are given to give much attention to the Quran and strengthen our Eman and Deen.
- Make a Ramadan resolution: Fasting is not just physical, it’s also spiritual. Instead of us making “new year’s resolutions” this is our time to make resolutions to become better Muslims and to keep these new habits/ character that we are trying to make during Ramadan for the rest of our life time.
- Be practical this Ramadan: Make goals that are actually practical and make a plan to achieve them. For example, go to the Masjid early so that you can make your Sunnah, limit television viewing, remove negative speech, be nicer to your family and others, read more Quran, give charity more, make all your salaahs, make more dikhr, and etc.
- Make sure to eat suhur right before Fajr: Do not neglect suhur for its neglecting the Sunnah of the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhim Wa Salaam. Bring food and water to your bed side so as soon as you wake up you can start consuming food so that at least your able to get something in your stomach without having to head to the kitchen. Also eat properly, don’t eat junk food which will not benefit your body and soon have you extremely hungry.
- Have Taqwa: Realize that Allah is always watching. By doing this Insha’ Allah you’ll abstain from bad behavior and what you do is for yourself. Meaning that for all your actions there will be a consequence. Having Taqwa comes with being in tune with the Quran and surrounding yourself with which is halal.
- Be hastening towards your prayers: Do not delay Maghrib prayer specially. After finishing your prayer you have plenty of time to eat more and can actually take the time to chew and enjoy your food instead of scarfing it down your throat.
- Do not over eat: During Ramadan we are not supposed to gain weight. We’re suppose to actually loose some weight due to our fasting, just because our fasting does not mean we can pack on the pounds at iftar, it doesn’t make sense.
- Eat nutritious and balance diet: Eat foods with fiber, foods high in fiber will keep your digestive system regulated and keep you fuller longer.
- Don’t tense by loosing weight: Realize that you’ll be weak the first few days of Ramadan, your body is beginning to flush out all the junk and waste in your body the first few days. On the 4th or 5th day (if one is eating properly) your body will begin to become more energized, so be patient with your body.
That’s all for this Ramadan. Happy Ramadan with the hopes that you all will follow our these special stress and anxiety release management tools.