But, behold my beauties! Not all problems that see the light of the day last forever, you know. Just like there’s a solution to every problem, there are solutions and fixes for your day-to-day struggle with acne, facial hair, hair fall, etc. In this post, we list out Most Annoying Beauty Problems All Women Face and How To Fix Them.
We opine that although, beauty is skin deep, we all need that extra TLC when it comes to beautifying ourselves and accentuating our best features and attributes. Yes, beauty is transient and we have to work for it girls in order to maintain what we have or aspire to have. Sometimes, we learn through trial and error and sometimes, we just know what’s right and everything seems to seamlessly fall into place.

But, what happens when we are hurled with problems that catapult us to the stage of frustration and annoyance? We make a cup of coffee (or green tea, if you like), sit back and relax, take a deep breath and find a solution to keep such problems at an arm’s length, at least!
1. Ingrown Hair: Ever found tiny hair trapped under a thin film of skin that refuses to come even with Rica waxing or with the most expensive razor? Instead of picking at your skin with your nails to release them, start exfoliating your skin regularly with a loofah to free the hair. So, such hair can be easily released from the skin. They are quite irritating and post wax, when you see those ingrown bumps, manually picking at them will only cause the skin to redden. Body scrubs don’t always work to release ingrown hair.
So, get hold of a good rough loofah to exfoliate the skin and you can bid farewell to them. Do this regularly to prevent ingrown hair, but do this especially before your next wax. Additionally, try to get your hands on glycolic acid based products and scrubs, which is a good exfoliant that helps to reduce dead skin buildup and therefore lowers the chance of developing ingrown hair.
2. White Stains on Clothes Made by Deodorants: Do you find that after applying your deodorant spray, when you wear your dark clothes, horrid white stains all over them? Now, when you’re rushing out of the house and don’t want to change your top, all you need to do is grab a pair of nylon stockings/tights/pantyhose and rub over the white stains and it will come right off.

3. Mascara Clumping up Eyelashes: When you are in a hurry, the mascara always tends to fail you by clumping up the lashes and making them spidery, instead of giving them a fluttery look. You don’t need your lashes looking like spiders, do you? The last thing you want to do is wipe it off and ruin the rest of your eye makeup in the process. Well, if you’ve already applied a few coats and it looks clumpy, then apply a tiny bit of moisturizer over the mascara coated lashes, and then comb through with an eyelash comb.
If you don’t have one of those, take a dry mascara wand and run it through. Clumps will be removed in no time whilst the rest of your makeup remains intact. To prevent this from happening each time, curl your lashes, then start at the base of your lashes and wiggle your mascara wand to the ends to ensure the hair strands are not sticking together and are not lumpy. By wiggling the brush/wand, you are actually separating the lashes. Don’t forget to comb through between each coat.
4. Yellowing of Nails: Whether your nails are short, long, pointy or squared, every girl loves to dress them up in coats of nail polish. With so many bright and sparkly hues available in the market, it’s difficult to steer away from dark shades, especially, reds, corals, oranges and even blacks. However, as much as we love to change the shades according to our outfits, the downside of constantly wearing polish is that they leave an ugly yellow stain behind. Exposing those yellow stained nails can be both embarrassing and unhealthy for the nails.
To remove these stains, make a paste of baking soda and lemon and apply to your nails. Then, gently scrub with an old toothbrush. Repeat this process till the stains eventually fade away revealing your white nails with time. Baking soda and lemon have bleaching properties that will help bleach the stains off. Baking soda also acts as an exfoliator. To prevent it from occurring again, keep a few days/a week’s gap between polish applications for the nails to breathe and apply a clear coat before the darker pigmented shades.
5. Congested and Dull Skin: No matter what your skin type is, there are times when our skin refuses to wake up and looks lifeless and dull. When we have to head out somewhere, we know that even makeup won’t camouflage the fatigued skin beneath. So, what do we do? For an instant skin pick-me-up, slap on some micro granulated scrub and scrub away in circular motions. The massage will wake up the skin and stimulate blood circulation.
Thus, bringing back some colour to your face immediately. Do this for at least 3-4 minutes and then wash it off. After cleansing the face, follow up with a vigorous massage of moisturizer. Next, spritz on some rose water and your face will look like it’s rested and wide awake. The massage and exfoliation followed by hydration, all contribute towards cell renewal. It’s almost like slapping your skin to wake up. When you have time at hand, do go in for some chemicals peels, or microdermabrasion treatments to assist your skin with cellular growth to reveal healthy, glowing, vibrant skin. No makeup can hide a worn-out face.

6. Dry, Peeling and Rough Cuticles: Let’s admit it, who can head to salon every other week for elaborate manicure sessions? Whether they are short or long, and the guys at the salons end up narrowing them down, it’s better to do manicure at home. However, do you find that your cuticles get more dry than normal and often peel? Not a pleasant sight as one can’t really hide their hands, or can they? So, even if your hands and nails are perfectly manicured, the dry cuticles are unsightly.
Even if you keep on applying hand creams, get hold of some cuticle softening oil or Almond oil (rich in vitamin A, B and E) and massage on to the cuticles whenever you can, especially at night. You don’t need to fear greasy hands as you will only need a tiny drop to keep the cuticles nourished and dryness-free.
7. Lipstick on Teeth: Going out? Clothes? Check. Makeup? Check. Perfume? Check. Shoes and handbag? Check check. Lipstick on your teeth? No way! What’s more embarrassing than having your favourite lipstick (especially the darker ones) streaked across your teeth and popping its face every time you’re talking to someone? I can’t think of anything worse right now. I’ve heard of people applying Vaseline on the teeth to prevent lipstick stains, but that doesn’t sound too appealing to me, to be honest.
So, try this trick: after you’ve applied your lipstick, make an O shape with your mouth and slide your finger through your lips so that the lips touch your finger and then slide the finger out. Any lipstick that is accumulated on the inside of the lips, where the chances of it smearing are high, will stick on to your finger. For added protection, you can blot your lipstick with tissue paper and rub a small amount of talc over the tissue. No more lipstick stains when you talk or smile!
8. Broken Nail: Ever had a nail break at the base of your nail bed and it’s too deep in the bed to snip off? Well when we grow our nails any breakage is unwarranted, but such is the thing with long nails. They just break. And, one short nail amongst the longer ones makes you want to cry out of despair. Fear not ladies as I’ve tried and tested this trick. So, here goes!
Clean that particular broken nail with some nail polish remover and then take a tea bag and empty out of the tea leaves. Now cut out a small rectangular portion from the tea bag and with some nail glue (normal adhesive/fevi kwik won’t work as it will dissolve in water with time) stick the cut out portion of tea bag on the broken part. You may want to use a pair of tweezers for this to help stick the fine tea bag piece on.
After the nail glue has dried, buff the surface with a nail buffer to smoothen it out and then apply a base coat. Now, your nail is ready to apply your nail polish to match the rest of the nails. With time, the broken portion will grow out and you don’t have to sacrifice cutting your nail. The tea bag almost disappears when it sticks to the nail and acts to hold the broken part together. So, it doesn’t get caught in hair or clothes etc.
9. Frizzy Forehead Hair: Especially when you don an updo, there can be some fine hair that insist on being untamed. They are mostly new hair and refuse to settle in with the rest and can spoil the overall hairdo. Take a toothbrush spritzed with a bit of hairspray and comb the fine flyaways with the rest of your hair. This will give you the neat and tidy look that you wanted to achieve.
10. Armpits That Need to Freshen Up: Been running around all day or at work and you realize that your deodorant is wearing off? Well, spraying deodorant again on sweaty armpits that are not so fresh anymore isn’t the solution as it’s like applying makeup on a soiled face.
So, take some of your hand sanitizer that you carry in your purse and dab some on those armpits. The anti-bacterial properties of the sanitizer will eliminate odour-creating bacteria from the pits and then you can apply a fresh spritz of deodorant. It is guaranteed to make you smell as fresh as a daisy!
11. Thick Upper Lip Hair: Are you conscious of random hair popping from over your lips, and you shy away from wearing lipstick because you worry that it will emphasize the fine hair over the lips?
12. A Big Pimple Growing on your Nose: Pimple, zits, acne, breakouts are all annoying no matter what place they show up – but it can be really painful and unsightly to spot a big one growing right on your nose, especially if there’s an important event to attend soon! Before your pimple grows into a really big one on your nose.
Hope these little tips helped you sort out some common beauty problems and they are fast and super easy to try. So, leave stress behind as now you are equipped to combat any beauty problem that comes your way. Bring it on!