Pakistan ranked 25th among the countries emitting gases that pollute the environment, while the United States topped the list.
There is no check and balance of Pakistan Government in matters of environment. There are some lousy and ineffective environment laws. No industry or individual has ever been seriously punished for harming the environment.
On the part of Pakistan government, responsible and proactive planning is required for environment. Sustainable development is crucial but not at the cost of the environment. Pakistan can work on going green friendly. There is a dire and immediate requirement to start adopting green affable way of living.
Pakistan is facing a grave energy crisis. Whilst try fix that, they have to take care of the environment concerns. Pakistan will have to ensure go green policy in energy consumption for long term environment protection.
It’s time that Pakistani government with the Pakistan masses should start a coherent and massive campaign for environment preservation. If go green will be our policy then environment taxes and fiscal incentives will need to play a much much larger part that they right now do.
However what comes as a pleasant surprise is the Pakistan Ministry of Environment’s announcement that it will plant over 70 million saplings all over Pakistan. In addition there are plans for training personnel and developing skills in the environment sector. It might just be a beginning but it seems like green will be the color of the day some day soon, again!
The environment awareness is fast becoming a fashion statement. Go green is the shout out of the trendy. Your car omits smoke then your style is all outdated. Pakistan is fast catching up with the international phenomenon of bluest skies and the greenest green.