Acclaimed Pakistani actor and singer Mohsin Abbas Haider left many of his fans and well-wishers in extreme distress after he dropped an alarming post on his social media accounts. The 34-year-old Na Maloom Afraad star’s mental health seems to be on a state of declination as he revealed disturbingly that depression is now taking a toll on him. The post which has now been deleted, read: “Depression is all set to kill me soon. Just wanted to say thanks to the people who caused it.”
On the other hand, comedian Ali Gul Pir and model Fia Khan shared their own experiences.
“I don’t know you personally but I suffer from anxiety, which might not be anything close to what you are going through. However, I want you to know that it is tough but it will get better. If you ever need to talk to talk or listen or tell you jokes, I’m your man. I know we don’t know each other but I’ve heard great things about you and would love to get to know you,” stated Pir.