Arbaaz Khan’s new chat show pits Bollywood celebs such as Kareena Kapoor, Karan Johar, Sonakshi Sinha and Kapil Sharma against their mean tweets. Kareena, for instance, was ‘advised’ to dress her age as she was ‘aunty’ now. Kareena Kapoor may be one of the most glamorous stars in Bollywood today but even that fails to act as a safety valve when it comes to haters on social media. The actor was asked to read a mean tweet on Arbaaz Khan’s new web show, Pinch, where celebs will speak about social media and its effect.
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Kareena read the tweet which called her ‘aunty’ and advised her to dress her age. In a later clip from Pinch’s trailer, she talks about how people think celebrities have no emotions or feelings. Arbaaz Khan, who will soon begin work on Dabangg 3 with Salman Khan and Sonakshi Sinha, is all set to launch his new chat show Pinch by Arbaaz Khan. In the same trailer for the show, Sonakshi says, “If anyone comes and proposes to me online, mai maarungi!”To which Arbaaz added, “Line maarna hai to online nahin maarna!” and both crack up. Apart from Sonakshi and Kareena, other guests on the show will be Karan Johar, Kapil Sharma, Sonam Kapoor, Sunny Leone and Nawazuddin Siddiqui . The teaser shows celebs reacting to scathing tweets. While Karan reacts to a tweet about his dressing sense, Kapil is also seen commenting on his tweet to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Watch the teaser here: