Arjun Rampal announced his girlfriend Gabriella Demetriades’ pregnancy on Instagram back in April with a beautiful picture of theirs. After admitting in a hospital in the city on Wednesday evening, Gabriella was soon joined by the actor and his daughters Myra and Mahikaa. Gabriella’s parents also made it a point to fly in from South Africa to be by their daughter’s side during the delivery.
Read Also: Arjun Rampal And Girlfriend Gabriella Demetriades Expecting First Child Together
As per a recent tweet sent out by JP Dutta’s daughter Nidhi Dutta, the couple has been blessed with a baby boy. The couple who has been dating for over a year now, has been sharing their adorable pictures on their social media. Arjun is father to two daughters Mahikaa and Myra from his previous marriage to model Mehr Jesia.
Congratulations @rampalarjun on the arrival of your bundle of joy! God bless! ❤️
— Nidhi Dutta (@RealNidhiDutta) July 18, 2019
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