Text exchanges between actor Rhea Chakraborty and filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt have been shared online. It is being reported that Rhea moved out of actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s house on June 8, and texted Mahesh Bhatt. Sushant died by suicide on June 14.
In messages accessed by India Today, Rhea told the filmmaker, “Aisha moves on..sir..with a heavy heart and sense of relief .” Aisha is the name of her character in the film Jalebi, produced by Mahesh. She added, “Our last call was a wake up call. You are my angel You were then And you are now.”
He replied, “Don’t look back. Make it possible what is inevitable. My love to your father . He will be a happy man.” Rhea responded, “Have found some courage,and what you said about my dad tht day on the phone pushed me to be strong for him. He sends you love and thanks you for always being so special.”