Anushka Sharma was a part of the talk show Koffee with Karan and during the show she disclosed that Karan Johar, “would sometimes touch” her “very inappropriately”causing sensation all around. The sensational disclosure emerged when Karan Johar admitted to having a little crush on Anushka “right through the making of” Ae Dil Hai Mushkil.
A huge touch of drama came up when Anushka said, “I am sorry I was gonna put a sexual harassment case against him”.What Anushka said left Karan in splits while it also confused Katrina Kaif who was sharing the couch. “He used to sometimes touch me very inappropriately,” Anushka told Katrina. Katrina replied, “Maybe it was to spark a little fire inside you.” And further came Karan’s clarification that “it was all in fun” and it was just him “being tactile”.
An attempt was made by Katrina to change the conversation but Anushka cut her and dropped yet another bomb. Even Jacqueline made a complaint against you at Manish’s (Malhotra) party,” Anushka said. “That I was touching her inappropriately?” Karan asked, while laughing. “Yes!” Anushka confirmed. “We should postpone this ‘legal’ matter for another day. It’s because I love you two, and I don’t want anything bad to happen to you” Katrina said, sounding like the only sane person there. Expectations are that the matter could become serious as the matter is not a joke.
The sensational disclosure emerged when Karan Johar admitted to having a little crush on Anushka “right through the making of†Ae Dil Hai Mushkil.