Official trailer of Pakistan’s upcoming movie “The Dusk” has been released online. The movie is based on missing people issue in Pakistan and is directed by Zeeshan Kazmi.
All shoot of Pakistan’s upcoming social issue based film “The Dusk” has been completed and is in final stages of post production. The marketing campaign of film will be started soon.
According to the producer of film Wajahat Kazmi, “Movie was supposed to be shot in 45 days however, due to hard work and professionalism of the team the shoot is finished within 38 days and the trailer is released on the desired date.”
Fashion models Salman Khan and Uzma have very well played the lead role in the movie. They have acted as a newlywed couple around whom the story of “The Dusk” revolves.
Official trailer of Pakistan’s upcoming movie “The Dusk†has been released online. The movie is based on missing people issue in Pakistan and is directed by Zeeshan Kazmi.