Directed by Danny Boyle and Loveleen Tandan, Slumdog Millionaire is the story of 18 year-old Jamal Malik (Patel), a poor orphan soul living in slums of Mumbai, who is in for the greatest experience of his life – make it millionaire experience. Participating in India¹s biggest game show "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?” he makes it till the last question, just one question away from winning 20 million rupees. With the whole nation’s eyes gripped on the TV sets and heart racing forth, Jamal is only one correct question away from hitting the jackpot. But when the show breaks for the night, police takes him into custody, suspecting he’s a fraud who has gotten every answer correct through cheating. It’s strange for anyone to believe that how come a street kid could be aware of so much, without seeking any formal education? Jamal is innocent, and desperately attempts to make everyone believe in his ingenuousness. He begins with telling the story of his life from the slum where he and his brother grew up, playing on the streets, living an adventurous life on the road, of fierce encounters with a bunch of hooligans, and of his lost love, Latika. Every aspect of his story discloses the explanation to the answer to each question of the game show. Seeing Jamal’s life journey to this point ultimately answers these questions and justifies his innocence. But, then how come he has ended up on a game show, without any desires or big aims in life?
With the new day at the game, the viewers’ anticipation grows. Jamal is back on the show and has given the answer to the final question. Sixty million people are backing Jamal, including the Inspector who is anxiously waiting for the host (played by Bollywood’s famous actor Anil Kapoor) to disclose the final answer. Surprisingly, Jamal wins, but just not the game, his love Latika as well.
Dev Patel, who played Jamal’s character is on the brink of success and hardly believes how astounding 2009 has turned out for him. But this is just not it. There is still more to come, especially with the Oscars on the way.
Slumdog Millionnaire is the talk of tinsel town these days! After its triumph at the Golden Globe awards 2009 and fatefully winning away seven awards, it seems like this promising success would continue till it reaches the doors of the Oscars 2009.