The sixth edition of Fashion Pakistan Week showcased spring/summer collections from 24 mainstream and upcoming designers including retailers who featured in eight fashion-packed shows daily over the course of the three-day event. These include Maheen Khan, Shamaeel Ansari, Nomi Ansari, Hassan Sheheryar Yasin, Deepak Perwani, Fahd Hussayn, Faraz Manan, Amna Aqeel, Jafferjees, Gul Ahmad, Adnan Perdesi, Zainab Chottani, Tapu Javeri, Kamiar Rokni, Maheen Hussain, Nida Azwer, Ali Xeeshan and many more. The real fashion blast was at the Backstage of 6th Fashion Pakistan Week 2014, when all fashion models were busy to prepare themselves for the catwalk.
Makeup artists were rushing to adorn fashion divas, stylists were busy to make hairstyles and there was lot of fun and entertainment on backstage. Saba Ansari, who was the makeup artists for Fashion Pakistan Week 2014 made the makeup session pleasant with her friendly and artistic style.
Fashion models getting ready back of the stage were Xeba Ali, Nadia Hussain, Hira Tareen, Faiza Ansari, Nadia Ali, Ayyan, Fauzia, Rubya Chaudhary and other male models. Fashion Pakistan Week 2014 choreographed by HSY & Productions with back stage management by Production [021] & show production by CKO. Tapu Javeri was engaged for all official photography for the event while PR of the event was undertaken by the PR department of HUM Network Ltd.
Fashion Pakistan Week 2014, organized by Fashion Pakistan Council and HUM Sitaray, in association with Toni & Guy, TDAP, Bank AlFalah, Nestle Everyday and Nishat Linen took off in a magnificent way. The three-day fashion marathon is one of the most antici
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1. Backstage at Fashion Pakistan Week 2014
Fashion Pakistan Week 2014, organized by Fashion Pakistan Council and HUM Sitaray, in association with Toni & Guy, TDAP, Bank AlFalah, Nestle Everyday and Nishat Linen took off in a magnificent way. The three-day fashion marathon is one of the most antici