Lahore indulged in a festive mood of style and panache at the launch of Coccinelle at Caacnhi & Lugari. Verve organized the happening event, which was attended by the crème de la crème of the city.
Lahore indulged in a festive mood of style and panache at the launch of Coccinelle at Caacnhi & Lugari. Verve organized the happening event, which was attended by the crème de la crème of the city.
1. Launch of Coccinelle
2. Launch of Coccinelle
Arun with friend
3. Launch of Coccinelle
Arun, Hannah and Ali
4. Launch of Coccinelle
Coccinelle Bags
5. Launch of Coccinelle
Fahad Husayn and Sarah Sharif
6. Launch of Coccinelle
7. Launch of Coccinelle
8. Launch of Coccinelle
Hanna with friends
9. Launch of Coccinelle
HSY and Imtisal
10. Launch of Coccinelle
Ifran and Saad Kureshi
11. Launch of Coccinelle
Imtisaal and Fahad
12. Launch of Coccinelle
Mahra Bhatti
13. Launch of Coccinelle
Mehr with Friends
14. Launch of Coccinelle
Omer with HSY
15. Launch of Coccinelle
Sana and Fauzan
16. Launch of Coccinelle
Sana with friends
17. Launch of Coccinelle
Team Caanchi and Lugari
18. Launch of Coccinelle
Ubab, Hussna, Ahmer, Sarah and Ikram
19. Launch of Coccinelle
Umair Fazli, Jania and Babar Bhatti
20. Launch of Coccinelle
21. Launch of Coccinelle
Zahid Husain with a friend
22. Launch of Coccinelle
Zeesh and Hussna