Depression is as common as it is complex. Every second person, it seems, has acomplaintt of depression. According to some doctors one of the causes of depression is an imbalance in a hormone named as serotonin that brings a sensation of well being and helps a person to relax while some say that lack of necessary nutrients in the body affect physical and mental health of an individual that leads to stress and depression. To overcome depression, people use anti-depression drugs that have many side effects ranging from mood swings to even suicidal attempt.
Food is a natural treatment for relieving depression without swallowing pills. Food is the natural and full of vitamins and minerals anti-depressant. If you want to avoid medication of questionable efficacy then treat yourself with natural anti-depression food. Isn’t amazing that you overcome your depression by food? Find out some anti-depression food guide to see which may work best for you.
Nutrients that we all need for our physical and mental activities include minerals, vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates. A deficiency in any of these nutrients can lead to mental and physical instability that causes depression. There is an anti-depression food guide for you so you can get rid of depression.
The food rich in vitamin B is anti-depression food that is a powerful regulator of food. Eating a diet high in vitamin B decreases your homocysteine level – a type of protein linked to depression. Food that is high in vitamin B includes vegetables, fruits, nuts and animal products etc. You can also keep your blood sugar stable by eating natural food that is rich in protein and fiber.
Vegetables like cabbage and tomato are best anti-depressants that are full of folic acid and vitamin C. They protect the body against stress, infection and heart diseases etc. You can use these two vegetables in your meal as a salad for your ease.
One anti-depression food is banana. Banana contains a protein called tryptophan that is converted into serotonin by the body and helps in feeling relaxed, happy and in control.
Nuts have been used clinically to treat depression. Nuts are considered as perfect mood boosting snack that are rich in protein and vitamin E, provide you energy and help in combating stress. You can also make nuts a part of your daily routine to eliminate depression.
Brown rice contains essential minerals, vitamin B1 and B3 and folic acid which is needed to balance your mood. It slowly releases glucose in the blood stream that helps to prevent low sugar and mood swing.
Chocolate is sweet and best anti-depression food. When you feel blue you can eat chocolate to feel happy and relaxed. It contains anadamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain that make you feel happy. Cacao can be good for mood because it releases endorphins in the brain.
Remember that food can sway your emotions, thoughts and feelings, can manipulate your preferences to food. Above mentioned anti-depression food guide must help you in keeping you relaxed and happy. Most of these natural food items are inexpensive and by acting upon this anti-depression food guide you can surely beat your stress and depression without any fear of side effects.
Depression is a common problem now-a-days. Different drugs are used by people for beating the depression. The aim of anti-depressant is to stabilize and normalize the neurotransmitters in the brain. You can also use food as an anti - depressant that is na