The toughest call in a girl’s life is her transition from childhood into her teen age phase. Yes, that’s the difficult phase. Why? Well, because it’s the first ladder up to woman hood. It is the time when her outlook to things changes completely. This afflicts her personal stances and choices. And if it is to be linked with the very base; then let’s discuss her room. Yes, folks today’s agenda is the bedrooms of teen age girls.
The teen age girls want fashionable/elegant rooms alongside functional. Something that might offer them more than a relaxation zone. Well, you see this is the time they want to invite friends. This is the time when they discover the ‘new-them’. And lastly this is the beginning of them developing sense towards taste.
So here’s some worthy teen age girl’s room design ideas:
1. There’s one tip for the teen age girls bedroom which includes usage of animal prints across the room. Be it beddings or accessories. Pairing them along with the graphic wired mirrors. Frames above the headboard of a bed and canopy beds. This could be one option for a teenage girl’s bedroom.
2. Another tip for the teen age girl’s bedroom could be soft-tone colors. Combinations of cream wall papers / walls along with soft-pink or soft colored accessories. (Not merely pink pink, total pink is another catch).
3. Wall-letters ( plastic or metal , any) with ‘name-alphabets’ or any catchy words is another great new feature for the exclusive teen age girl’s bed room design ideas.
4. Special wallpapers with city-graphics or illustrations for instance one’s with images like Eiffel tower appearing on them could be another great design for the teen age girl’s bedroom.
5. Girl’s having love for nature should go with nature oriented earthy tones and colors for their room. This could also behold the leafy / floral wallpapers that could make their room look the perfect glimpse of their style.
6. Girl’s having a nag for history through fashion(20th century) should choose the colors and accessories of their room on the various themes they like. For instance, a glam-rock theme could hold items associated with glam-rock, pictures of rock music, strong metallic colors and accessories to match with the theme in their bedroom.
7. PINK! As cliché as it may sound. But teen age girls have a nag for this color. Go pink with your room. This includes the selection of intricate details from the cushions to the curtains, the walls and accessories in the room.
8. Another tip for the teen age girl’s bedrooms could be the eccentric four poster beds. Be them single or double, along with canopies. Not only teen age girls such beds take up most of the taste from late centuries till the present in people abiding to all ages.
9. Modern simplistic furniture could be another option for the teen age girl’s bedrooms. This type of furniture is named as Mod-glam. This is a sure-in-to-go trend for them.
10. And lastly, no-mess-all-clean room is the essential for a girl’s room. As it has been stereotyped among the both gender classes; girls are considered to be more organized and clean. This is the crux of the teen age girls’ bedroom.
So, go on follow these little tips and make your room different yet phenomenal. We know you’re entering a new phase of life, why not enter with a new flavor of exceptionality and sense of fashion. After all we are speaking of the room you have been planning to get ever since you had been mommy’s little girl. Go renovate the place. Happy decorating!
Author: Haadiyah Mujahid
Design ideas for teen-age girls’ bedrooms. A way for them to blend in their interests to the new phase of their life; one step up to woman hood.