This parental guideline suggests that be supportive of your spouse and concentrate on raising his or her kids. Be positive and encouraging with the children and try not to impose new rules. When it comes to know your stepchildren better, let the kids set their pace.
Becoming a stepparent requires patience, go slowly. According to this parental guideline, don’t be surprised if your Pakistani step child shows anger jealousy and competitiveness your way. Keep cool if you feel frustrated and hurt by his actions. For any Pakistani stepparent, it is necessary that he or she should be there, if they want to interact with you, be responsive, sit down with the biological parent and the children to go through photo albums and tell stories to foster a friendship.
When stepparents make negative comments about their spouse’s ex, parent it is likely to fuel the children’s suspicion that the Pakistani stepparent is bent on alienating and ultimately replacing the biological parent. Avoid talking on such issue but do share it with friends. This important parental guideline suggests that when making big decisions, let your spouse ex take centre stage. This helps in avoiding confusion, resentment and inevitable tension that come from stepparents encroaching on the biological parent’s typical roles and responsibilities.
Keep on strengthening your marriage, to save the kids from suffering through yet another divorce. Pakistani stepparents with their own kids might face even greater challenges in keeping the peace. In addition to becoming aware of any instances in which you might be playing favorites, you need to work on preventing and handling conflict among stepsiblings.
Despite the bad fairytale repute, Pakistani stepparents can play a very positive role in children life. Here are some parental guidelines for making your relationship valuable with Pakistani children.