Don’t punish kids
If your child is jealous of other siblings and friends, don’t punish them. Rather teach them effectively to deal with this emotion and to handle the situations that cause them to feel jealous. Punishment is not a solution of jealousy feelings. Even scold the child can make the situation worse. Treat them with love. A parent should understand the feelings of their child and should find the solution to handle it.
Discussion with kids
Sometimes children need special time apart from others and sometimes alone. When feelings of jealousy become physical then it is the time to separate the children from others. Children need discussion. You should give time to your kid to express his emotions. Give them opportunity to share their feelings with you. Talk to them about the problems and teach them how they can reduce the feeling of jealousy. It can also serve as a useful tool to cool down tempers and jealousy feelings.
Give time to kids
It is important for parents to spend time with their kids because kids want attention and care. Parents need to take a look at the behaviors of their kids. Set a time and spend maximum 15 minutes with your kids. Ask your child to identify the things that make him upset and jealous.
Refrain from comparing
Never compare any child in contrast to others. Comparing is surely a way to produce jealousy in kids. Comparing the children can cause long lasting strains and problems like natural clashes that can be difficult to handle. So refrain from comparing behaviors and personal traits in kids. Respect their self respect and self esteem. All kids like to hear something unique from their parents that make them special and different from others. All kids are special and unique in their own ways so don’t compare them.
Avoid negative labels
Sometimes in families children are known by nick names. This type of labels can stick and become difficult to erase not only within family but also outside your family as well. So avoid using negative nicknames.
Stimulate positive feelings
Encourage your child to be cooperative. You should stimulate positive feelings in kids for others. Indulge him in such activities which promote positivity. Empower your child with the feelings of responsibility.
Jealousy is normal human emotion that is common in children. A number of situations trigger the feelings of jealousy. At that time, children require your attention. It is the responsibility of parents to talk to them and allow them to express their feelin