Now, the first ever face mask originated from England during the 18th century by a Madame Rowley. It was developed for any one who wanted to ‘bleach, purify and preserve the complexion of the skin’.
Personally reflecting, my favorite skin care product would without a doubt have to be face masks. They are easily accessible, from any drug store and are gradually spreading across the world. In fact, they can be found in wide variety and produce the perfect spa experience from the comfort of your own home.
Talking about a variety of face masks, the most prevalent ones today include:
- Clay, charcoal and mud masks
- Sheet masks
- Peel off masks
- Eye masks
Now, the clay, charcoal and mud masks are especially important in helping to detox your skin as well as for oily and acne-prone skin. All together, the three products do an impeccable job of pulling any impurities or dirt from you skin, as well as absorbing excess sebum and help to tighten the pores.

As for sheet masks, they actually originate from Korea. As a whole, they are easy to apply, not messy and personally, I find them very very refreshing! Additionally, there are sheet masks for ever issue or skin type. For example, breakouts, wrinkles and etc.

While, these simple peel of masks are fun and save the hassle of washing the mask off, it makes cleanup a breeze. However, they are not ideal for sensitive skin as they do tug at it and contain alcohol, which can irritate the skin.

While, eye masks are found in small moon shaped patches that fro a perfect curve right under the eyes. They are used to deal with issues of eye bags, dark circles swelling and just puffiness in general.

Overall, face masks are a very cost effective and efficient way to produce an amazing spa and facial look at home. Thus, don’t be afraid of exploring new beauty products, such as this, give it a whirl as, after all, not only will your skin thank you, but you will also be complimented by countless others!